Bear Down, and Stay Connected!
Check out all the opportunities featured below to stay in touch or volunteer, or send us your ideas! You are positioned to guide our students in ways only UA Engineering graduates can. Your contributions help prepare students for the workforce and affirm their entrepreneurial resolve. Your support bolsters the region’s economy and strengthens the College’s capacity to find solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges. Check out all the opportunities – featured below – to volunteer and stay connected, or send us your ideas!
Stay Involved > Da Vinci Circle > Homecoming > Events >
Alumni in the News > Resources > Email Us >
Find the donation that fits your inspiration. Visit Giving Opportunities.
A Gift for the Greatest Needs
“My wife and I have simply gained a level of trust with the people administering this gift. We want to give them the flexibility to take care of what’s most important at the time.”
- John Somerhalder (BS/CE 1977), 2016 UA Engineering Alumnus of the Year
The Somerhalders, featured in the UA’s fall 2017 alumni magazine, contributed $1 million to the Dean’s Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering.
Forge a Donation That Fits Your Inspiration
Coming Events
Solar Track Meet
12:30-1:20 p.m. | University of Arizona Mall
First-year engineering students present autonomous trackers that follow the sun’s movements to maximize collection of solar energy. Teams compete for prizes, judging the work of other teams for overall performance, physical design, best coding, and best explanation of design. Read about 2023 Solar Track Meet.
Winter Craig M. Berge Design Day
1-2:30 p.m. | Campus store, lower level
For the first time, witness the excitement of Craig M. Berge Design Day timed for students who are graduating in December. Seniors proudly present the results of their yearlong, sponsored Interdisciplinary Capstone Projects and compete for prizes. More information.
Submit an Event to Weekly Bulletin >
Wildcats for Life! Far more than a state of mind.
Don Pettit Begins Research Stint
Aboard International Space Station
High School Students Reap
Benefits of Industry Connections
2020 Grad Mentors Design Team
Rehabbing Biosphere 2 Coral Reef
Hom Family Honors Father
with Scholarship Endowment
Contact the UA College of Engineering Development Office
Want more information? Call 520.626.1741, or email
Wildcat engineering alumni can be found all over the globe. The University sponsors 40 Wildcat chapters nationwide that host professional and social events each year.
Contact our development team for more on all the ways to support the UA College of Engineering.
Inés Anderson
Assistant Director, Stewardship and Donor Engagement
Joelle McCauley
Administrative Assistant
Monica Nuñez
Assistant Director, Alumni Engagement
Margie V. Puerta Edson
Assistant Dean, Development and Corporate Relations
Danielle Raines
Associate Director of Development
We’ll work with you and your financial advisors to plan a gift that meets your philanthropic goals.